Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sushi for the Realtor’s Soul:

Thought-bites to get you through the day

Re-watching the ridicu-licious comedy Bowfinger yielded an unexpected life tool—the happy premises.  In one scene, a paranoid Kit, played by Eddie Murphy, tries to mellow from a panic. He is led through his personal happy premises:

“Happy Premise # 1: There are no aliens.  
Happy Premise #2: There is no giant foot trying to squash me.
Happy Premise #3: Even though I feel like I might ignite, I probably won’t.”

Why does this silly set of rules seem slightly relevant?
Because these are the basic principles for getting through any business day.

“Happy Premise #1: There are no aliens.”
Happy Premise Re-Mix: There are no strangers.

In the movie Kit is worried about visitors from another planet attacking him. You may or may not have this particular concern today.
You will have visitors, clients, business associates, and rogue commuters that seem as if they are from another planet. They aren’t.
There is some thread of commonality in every interaction. Find it, and you are dealing with a friend instead of a stranger.

“Happy Premise #2: There is no giant foot trying to squash me.”
Happy Premise Re-Mix: They are not out to get you.

Most people are not out to get you because they don’t have time. 
The few who are out to get you won’t win.
The rest of the people are just wondering why you have your weapons out all the time.

“Happy Premise #3: Even though I feel like I might ignite, I probably won’t.”
Happy Premise Re-Mix: Even though I feel like I might ignite, I probably won’t.

We will make it through this day without exploding.  Probably.
So we might as well get out there and make the best of it.

“We cannot escape fear. We can only transform it into a companion that accompanies us on all our exciting adventures… Take a risk a day—one small or bold stroke that will make you feel great once you have done it.”  -Susan Jeffers

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