1476 Greenwood Terrace, Berkeley
Designed in 1907 by Bernard Maybeck for Francis E. Gregory, this inspiring home features all clad redwood walls, a particular design Maybeck like to incorporate, views of the Golden Gate, and great separation of space.
Maybeck once said, "A house should fit into the landscape as if iit were a part of it," he declared, and then added: "It should also be an expression of the life and spirit which is to be lived with that it. "Back of all this," he continued, "is the simplicity, the sincerity and the naturalness of the expression." (Keeler, 2006) The location of this home in the Berkeley Hills and the simplistic design of this Maybeck home captures the essence of this quote.

In addition to many homes throughout the Bay, he also designed the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco and The First Church of Christ in Berkeley among other public buildings.
Come by and see 1476 Greenwood Terrace this Sunday from 2-4pm.
written by Gina Odom, Realtor
(2006) Bernard Maybeck: A Gothic Man- by Charles Keeler.
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